What is Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome?

PCOS is a health problem caused by an imbalance of hormones. This can cause the ovaries to not develop the eggs properly or cause the egg not to be released at all.

Symptoms Include: Irregular fertility cycles, Infertility, Cysts on the ovaries, Acne, Weight Gain, Hirsutism

How Can PCOS be treated?

Many doctors will prescribe birth control to help ‘manage and regulate’ the symptoms. This does not treat the PCOS at all though and can actually make it worse. It really just masks the syndrome temporarily.

The best way to correct the syndrome as much as possible is through healthy eating habits, exercise and possibly supplements. This way women reduce their symptoms in a natural way and learn how to manage it as opposed to masking it.


Exercise and Nutrition are CRUCIAL for managing PCOS. I am not a personal trainer, but I can say any form of exercise you do greatly improves your PCOS and it’s side effects.

Any and All Exercises Help

  • Walking/Jogging

  • Biking

  • Dancing

  • Lifting weights (significantly help lower androgen levels in women)

  • Jumping rope